Community Choir is back!
No experience is necessary. This is just a fun way to get together and enjoy singing! Worried your voice isn’t good enough? All voices are good enough for our community choirs! It’s all about a love of singing!
Both choirs are held on Tuesdays at the ECC. We meet every second week starting in October & running until April. We have two performances, one just before the holidays in December (and in the parade!) and one in April to wrap up the season!
Our Youth Choir (grades 2-6) will be from 6-630pm, with our Adult Choir (teens welcome) running from 7-8pm!
We do have to charge a fee this year to cover the cost of our amazing, experienced director, but it’s only $120 for the whole season!
Please fill out the form below to start singing with us! To view the rehearsal schedule, simply scroll down past the registration form!