Mini Mall in the Hall

Friday, November 1st 6-9pm

Kick off the holiday shopping season in Elie!

Space is limited, as the sale will be held in the Vet’s Hall again this year.  Tables are $15.00.  Please indicate below if you require electricity as we have limited spaces available with power.  The building will be open for set-up at 430pm, and vendors will have until 10pm to pack up and exit the building.  Tables are reserved on a first come, first "serve" basis.  We will not duplicate exact products, and will limit the number of tables for each product type (ie. Knitted items, jewellery, etc).  Table payments must be received by October 15th, 2024 or your spot may be released to another vendor.  Tables for this event will sell out, but we do maintain a cancellation list.  Payment details, table guidelines, and food information will be provided in your registration confirmation email. 

We are only accepting local vendors for this sale due to limited space. What are we defining as local? As a casual guideline, the circle around Elie that goes from St Francois Xavier to Marquette to Oakville to Fannystelle! And anyone in the RM of Cartier! Unsure of whether you would qualify? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.